Archive for November, 2007

All the people in Iraq, Muslim and Christian, is brother.

Posted November 8, 2007 By John C Wright

Muslims celebrate the opening of the Church of St. John.

From the invaluable Michael Yon.

He says:

A Muslim man had invited the American soldiers from “Chosen” Company 2-12 Infantry to the church, where I videotaped as Muslims and Christians worked and rejoiced at the reopening of St John’s, an occasion all viewed as a sign of hope.

The Iraqis asked me to convey a message of thanks to the American people. ” Thank you, thank you,” the people were saying. One man said, “Thank you for peace.” Another man, a Muslim, said “All the people, all the people in Iraq, Muslim and Christian, is brother.” The men and women were holding bells, and for the first time in memory freedom rang over the ravaged land between two rivers.

More unpersons. In the same way that the suffering of unpersons are not really real to our self-appointed moral and mental superiors on the Left, likewise the victories of unpersons stir not the faintest praise, emotion, gratitude or mention, even when representing the allegedly most cherished values of liberty and equality the Left allegedly support. 

In that spirit, let us give those on the Left who have drifted into the camp of the enemy the finger on more time:

                                             You tell ’em Granny!

By the way, yesterday was polling day here in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Do you go vote?

Oh, sorry. This is a picture of a Kurdish woman — you heard me, a minority and a female — voting on how the state of which she is a citizen should be governed. No, this is not a picture from yesterday in Virginia.

My Leftist friends tell me it cost too much in blood and treasure and in American good will around the globe to let this woman vote. She is an unperson to them. When you ask them about her, and women like her, you get this strange blank-out effect in their chains of reasoning.

A friend of mine, who is, through no fault of mine, no longer my friend, laughed in my face when I told her that this woman, and folk like her, are better off because the US invaded Iraq. She leaned forward and laughed in my face. The idea that life in a democracy was better than life in a nationwide slavelabor deathcamp meant nothing to my friend. She blanked it out of her brain.

Those who suffered under Saddam — blank out— there are no such persons. Those whom the United States set free — blank out— the United States cannot free anyone, or do any good in the world. 

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Only posting a link!

Posted November 7, 2007 By John C Wright

As a follow up on the previous posts: like political prisoners in Cuba, here is a group of nonpersons. Their suffering receives no media attention.

They are underground Christians in Saudi Arabia, worshiping in secret a la Roman catacombs. They are mostly migrant workers from the Philippines, heartbreakingly poor.

Here is a quote.

There were credible reports that the authorities continued to torture and otherwise abuse prisoners, including foreigners in 1998. A common method of torture is beating, especially ‘fallaqa,’ which is a beating on the soles of the feet. The authorities also deprive prisoners of sleep.

Expatriate Christians who have been in jail in Saudi Arabia have made well-known the situation in Saudi prisons. Filipino Christian Oswaldo Magdangal wrote a horrifying booklet (‘Sentenced to Death’) about his time of imprisonment in Saudi Arabia. Arrested in 1992, Magdangal was sentenced to be hanged on 25 December 1992. He was kept in strict isolation, was interrogated many times and tortured excessively. Beatings on his foot soles were common practice. Magdangal was unexpectedly released after foreign pressure and deported to the Philippines on the day he was supposed to be hanged.

More recent examples are seven Indian Christians who were arrested on 22 December 1995 when the Mutawwa’in raided a house congregation. 54 Christians had gathered for Christmas prayer as the religious police intervened. They interrogated the Christians and arrested seven Christians whom they suspected of being church leaders. The Christians were abused so severely that friends could hardly recognise two of them when they were released. The released Christians told their friends that the Mutawwa’in had made extensive use of kicking, hitting, and slapping them while at the same time extolling the greatness of Islam.

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Re Morganized Mass Self Delusion

Posted November 7, 2007 By John C Wright

Oscillon here makes comments worthy of being answered, or if not answered, at least commented on:

“I will not support abandoning them to their fate.”

Bless you, sir. No matter what else we disagree on, I embrace you for saying this fine thing. It is a relief and a pleasure to hear.

“My recollection is that the administration did use the reasons you state.”

Whew. I was beginning to think I was from a parallel universe.

“But the association was intentional. It was a transference propaganda technique.”


The only intentional association was that our national honor could not tolerate, after a stinging defeat from a sneak attack in New York, continued defiance from a runty little puke dictator in the Middle East. After 9/11, we looked weak, confused and helpless. In the Hobbesian state of nature, which governs international politics, to look weak and helpless provokes attack. It has serious and real-world consequences.

No one was saying Saddam organized 9/11, or was a member of Al-Qaeda, or anything like that.

The gain to our national honor was pissed away by the public behavior of the Left, which has emboldened the enemy. The Left weakens us, and leaves us confused and helpless. The enemy adroitly exploits the weaknesses of our psychology, our legal system, our media. We, on the other hand, cannot even get up the gumption to declare war in a proper constitutional fashion. 

If it was a propaganda technique, it must have been grossly unsuccessful, because even a bloodthirsty war-hawk like me, someone willing and eager to be convinced of war propaganda, was not convinced that 9/11 was directly related to Saddam.

Do you personally know someone who actually says that we attacked Iraq to punish Saddam for 9/11? Really and truly? Or do you only know articles in Lefty publications criticizing someone — not people that really exist, mind you — who might say such a thing?

“In order to support those women, it is not enough to cheerlead the people that have proven they are incompetent.”

I could care less about the Bush Administration (aside from my native desire not to see good men slandered by ne’er-do-wells). I do not look to Caesar for my salvation. The Left did not commit treason against the Administration: one cannot betray an administrator–he is a servant. We owe him no personal loyalty. The Left committed treason against the nation, the West, against civilization and humanity, all things to which we owe loyalty.

Any administration that was not criminally incompetent would have had to invade Iraq and for substantially the same reasons given by the Congress: had Clinton served a third term, his administration would have helmed this same war.

The causes for war were not light nor transient, and their weight over the years had been growing. 9/11 gave those reasons a new urgency and a new implication.

The 2008 administration, Republican or non-nuts Democrat, will have to continue the global war against the Jihad in much the same way. Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia should be on our list for war targets: anywhere that supports or harbors the Jihad is an enemy.

If the next administration is nuts-Democrat, of course, all bets are off. The war will be put (on our side) on hold until another attack, this time with nukes or nerve gas, strikes continental America. I am assuming Hillary is a non-Nuts Democrat. She has not positioned herself with the antiwar lunatics.

She is clearly a man with brass enough to do the job. All she would have to do is bump off Ahmadinejad and drop his body with a suicide note in Fort Marcy Park, and then have Tyson’s Chicken come by the Rose Law Firm and trash all the billing records for the Pentagon so that there was no evidence her administration declared war. The press would give her a free pass. And I would cheer, because then the Iranians would get a chance at democracy.

(Only a slim chance, mind, but the West is not in a position to give the followers of Mahound more than a slim chance at democracy–it is not a seed that grows well outside its native soil.)  

So, yes, I agree, cheering for our side is not sufficient for victory, but cheering for the other side is treasonous in intent, perhaps in deed. The lesson of the Vietnam war is pertinent here: the gangland thugs we fought after the war said that the only thing that kept them hanging on to hope when they were on the brink of giving up was the antiwar movement here in America. The Left handed them victory, basically by cheering for them. Ideas have consequences, and so do words. 

The reason why Americans do not censor public speech is because of our respect for the weighty consequences of words. No freedom is really worth anything unless its abuse is serious. The Left, by booing our side and cheering for the Jihad, is abusing their powers of public speech, and ignoring the consequences. Real people are going to die real deaths because the Left was too childish and fancy-free to govern their speech soberly.

The yellow people in Vietnam were not real to Left then, in much the same way the brown people in Iraq are not real to the Left now.

I am beginning to hope, based on your comments, that these people are real to you, at least. Thank you. 

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Link for today: A hero in Castro’s gulag

Posted November 6, 2007 By John C Wright

Another nonperson. A quote from the article:

Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet will spend the day locked in a fetid cell in the Combinado del Este prison in Havana, where he is serving a 25-year prison sentence for speaking out against Fidel Castro’s dictatorship.

Peter Kirsanow, a member of the US Commission on Civil Rights, has written that the conditions of Biscet’s incarceration are like something out of Victor Hugo: “windowless and suffocating, with wretched sanitary conditions. The stench seeping from the pit in the ground that serves as a toilet is intensified by being compressed into an unventilated cell only as wide as a broom closet. . . . Biscet reportedly suffers from osteoarthritis, ulcers, and hypertension. His teeth, those that haven’t fallen out, are rotted and infected.”

A prolife Christian physician, Biscet first ran afoul of the Castro regime in the 1990s, when he investigated Cuban abortion techniques – Cuba has by far the highest abortion rates in the Western Hemisphere – and revealed that numerous infants had been killed after being delivered alive. In 1997, he began the Lawton Foundation for Human Rights, which seeks “to establish in Cuba a state based on the rule of law” and “sustained upon the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” In 1999, he was given a three-year sentence for “disrespecting patriotic symbols.” To protest the regime’s repression, he had hung a Cuban flag upside down.

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Only posting a link!

Posted November 5, 2007 By John C Wright

The boy who would not die

The child survived even after the doctors reached into the womb and cut his umbilical cord.

Gabriel is the one on the right.

( Were I him, I would grow up to be wary of doctors. If a doctor predicted my death and guessed wrong, and then tried to snuff me and missed, I would not have great faith either in his powers or his wisdom, nor would I assume the profession of Hippocrates had my best interests in mind. )
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Respect for women

Posted November 2, 2007 By John C Wright

I am from time to time pleased to find on the internet men whose notion of the whole man-women thing approaches my own. Kim du Toit is also a gun-collector, which automatically earns him big points in my book.

He establishes seven rules for how to flirt, and he castigates the pathetic male race of Americans for their utter loss of manhood and maturity.

Here is a money quote:

How to show respect for women? Simple. Open the door for her. When a woman walks into the room for the first time, stand up. When you’re at the table, and she excuses herself, stand up when she leaves. Then, when she comes back, stand up again, and help her sit down in her chair. Always, always open the car door for her. When you arrive at a place, tell her to wait in her seat, then get out and run around to open the door for her. If she demurs, insist until she starts to expect it, and take it for granted. Always walk her to her front door, and wait until she closes the door before you leave.

I am the only person I know who stands up when a woman enters the room, the only one who offers women my chair when the room is full. I am not bragging, I am complaining. It is so wrong that it should be this way. Courtesy should be unnoticed; it should be a background detail; it should be subliminal.

Courtesy should be like an aura: an invisible field surrounding every man, so that when she steps near, she turns into a lady in his eyes. Why? You put a woman in a culture where every man gives off unconscious and unselfconscious signs of respect for womanhood, your young women will naturally absorb an impression that their femininity is worthy of respect. You put a woman in a culture were every man gives off the unconscious signs of hostility all men feel for rivals and the contempt for eunuchs, your young women will absorb an impression that their pseudo-masculinity is worthy of disrespect. Women of low self esteem and weak willpower are easier for ruthless Lotharios to victimize. It is merely a matter of economics: what men hold at low esteem, they value lightly.  That is true for self-esteem as for other estimations of value.

Once womanhood is held to be of low esteem, the idea spreads. How many fathers interview their daughter’s dates these days? How many brothers make sure their younger sister is being treated with honor and respect by her suitor, and that the boy is worthy of her?

What do we have instead of the old rituals and playfulness of love, the romance, the mystery, the wild hopes, and solemn and cherished foolishness, the lighthearted sobriety? What do we have instead of knights and princesses, the flirtatious glance, the love poem, the lover’s vow, Hero and Leander, Romeo and Juliette, the waltz? For what did we trade that all?

For sleaze. For date rape. For disposable relationships. For trophy wives. For teen pregnancy and  single-mothers with their temporary live-in boyfriend.  For the reduction of the feminine mystique to a meat market commodity. For a generation of bitter girls of brittle self-respect and lustful slobs who abuse them. You’ve come a long way, baby.

Romance was killed off by the sexual revolution. But the sexual revolution was, in the informal setting of love and courtship, what the abolition of private property was in Russia after the October Revolution, in the setting of political economy. I put it to you that no productive and honest man, one who worked hard and wanted to keep the fruits of his labor, no such man had any benefit coming to him from the collectivization and expropriation of private property. Only the dishonest had an incentive to collaborate: only those who wanted what they had not earned. Likewise, I put it to you that no healthy, truthful and honest lover had anything to gain from the abolition of standards and rules concerning the mating game. A man who wanted to remain a virgin before marriage, marry his true love, and remain faithful to her for happily ever after, fathering and raising his own children and not another man’s, well, he had nothing to gain by the removal of social norms, by the degradation of women, and the social acceptance, first of fornication, next of adultery, finally of grotesque perversion. He had nothing to gain by collaboration.

Who stood to gain? Hugh Hefner, who made money exposing women to the insincere lust of strangers; Bill Clinton, who can explain away perjury under oath, so long as it was done in the name of extramarital unnatural acts with a young woman who trusted him; Robert Heinlein, whose free-spirited characters started by questioning the wisdom of monogamy, and ended up  playing Oedipus with their mothers?

What did the honest man stand to gain from it, the non-exploiter, the non-polygamist, the non-pervert, the non-stalker, the non-creep? 

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Posting a link. Well, two links.

Posted November 1, 2007 By John C Wright

Michael Yon (that unique product of an information revolution, a reporter who works directly for his contributing readers) reports that the Iraq Islamic Party calls Al-Qaeda defeated in southern Iraq.

Now, if any of my friendly liberal-left readers feel a sense of peevish frustration, disgust, or lofty disinterest at this little item, ask yourselves why. Aren’t you cheering for civilization? If not, why not?

Now, things might have gone differently if only the enemy had possessed the superexplosive bombshell of kidnapped scientist Professor Roche

Fortunately for us, the evil millionaire Artigas and his secret island base hidden in an artificial volcano were discovered by our submersible ironclad ramships and steam-powered airships before his plans were complete, thanks to the unsung heroism of the scientist’s beautiful daughter.

If Artigas only he had thought to ally himself to Robur the Conqueror!

By the way, where IS my flying car? Forget the Jetsons: THIS is what it should look like. Besides, running on steam power rather than coal or oil is environmentally-friendly.

And, on an entirely different and lighter note:


In O’Bryan v. Holy See (490 F. Supp. 2d 826), a class-action suit was filed against the Vatican in federal court, based on allegations of sexual abuse by Catholic priests. Pursuant to the federal rules of civil procedure, specifically 28 USCS § 1608(a)(3), for proper service to an entity such as the Vatican, the original complaint and notice, “together with a translation of each into the official language of the foreign state,” had to be sent.

The official language of the Holy See is, of course, Latin. Thus, someone had to translate the complaint and notice into Latin.

The Vatican files a motion to dismiss under a number of grounds. One of them amounts to the translation into Latin not being good enough.

While supporting part of the Vatican’s claims (specifically, the court finds curable error in the process), the court also addresses and dispenses with the Latin question. It first notes that the “parties’ experts are diametrically opposed” as to the sufficiency of the translation,” but then goes on to note that “the translation into Latin need not be perfect,” more or less because the Defendant can always ask for a clarification. (833). Likewise, it finds the request for “detailed, treatise-like explanations of various court documents and legal terms,” effectively, giving Latin explanations of all U.S. legal terminology, to be a bit excessive and unjustified. Id.



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