Archive for January, 2017

How to Jeffro the Unwary

Posted January 31, 2017 By John C Wright

I am delighted to live in an era of Science Fiction history when typing the words “Appendix N” into a search feature on YouTube returns many voices speaking about the New Pulp movement and its twin sister, the Superversive Movement.

I confess I had not heard of this video blogger before, but he speaks highly of Jeffro Johnson, and, more to the point, he speaks of Conan the Barbarian, and John Carter, Warlord of Mars.

At around 6.20 he mentions the Superversive SF movement by name. We are growing. The name and fame are noised about, and our movement is magnified!

If it is not clear before from my writings, I voice full throated support for New Pulp, New Space Opera, and New Space Princess movements, and any and all literary movements which will break us all free as readers and writers from the withered and scabrous hand of the subversive movement which has dominated SF for decades, and the most recent strain of the disease, SJW-SF, which had strangled the Hugo on its own spew, rendered once fine magazines irrelevant and unreadable, and attempted unwisely to impose an ideological conformity on the one genre just famed for obeying no rules and carving all sacred cows into tasty barbecue spare ribs.

Join us! Shake the dust off your shoes at all diseased and colorless yarns about antiheroes trapped in pointless plots, and all pro-trans-gay dino-revenge non-SF yarns about upside down worlds covered in gender-fluid AI cat pictures in space!

Fans of the SF world unite! You have nothing to lose but your boredom!

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Boy Scouts Spit on Grave of Baden-Powell

Posted January 31, 2017 By John C Wright

Rueters reports that the Boy Scouts will begin accepting girls into the Boy Scouts, provided the girls pretend they are boys, or suffer from a mental illness making them unable to comprehend which sex they are, or their parents suffer from a mental illness making them unable to comprehend which sex their child is.

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Tears for Terrorists

Posted January 31, 2017 By John C Wright

I would like all the protesters, newsmen, and Democrat politicians who are in such an overblown and hyperdramatic fervor of hysteria over the five score or so travelers inconvenienced for less than a day by Trump’s travel ban to answer a question for me.

Obama repudiated a longstanding policy concerning refugees from Cuba, allowing anyone who made it to shore, the “wet foot, dry foot” policy.

This forced hundreds of travelers who risked life and limb to escape from the hellish slave-island of Cuba not to spend an inconvenient day in an airport. It sent them back to their angry masters, where they were and never to be heard from again: beaten, tortured, killed, or worse.

Where were your tears then, O vipers? Do you only cry tears for terrorists? Shed you no tears for escaped slaves yearning to breathe free?

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Wright On Lost Works

Posted January 31, 2017 By John C Wright

I have started writing columns for the Castalia House blog. Here are links to my first two, where I peer at the seminal novellas in which Buck Rogers, famed in song and story, makes his surprisingly unspectacular first appearance:

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Not Tired of Winning Yet VII

Posted January 30, 2017 By John C Wright

All your Memes are belong to us:
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Last Crusade 03 (Guest): Thoughts on Beauty

Posted January 29, 2017 By John C Wright

Thoughts on Beauty

A guest post by Mike McDaniel

Those of us fighting in the Last Crusade (which perhaps should be called the Ultimate Crusade) do battle for Beauty, amongst other things. But what is Beauty?

This question came up recently, and I will do my humble best to address it.

In aviation, we have a saying. “If it looks good, it’ll fly right.” This isn’t always true, as there are airplanes that look good but fly badly, but airplanes that fly well usually look the part. And I think this is as good a starting place as any to define what is Beautiful.

Beautiful things work well.

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The Last Crusade 02: By What Authority?

Posted January 28, 2017 By John C Wright

At first glance, and, indeed, even after repeated goggle-eyed staring, the idea of the Last Crusade being decreed by private voices seems absurd.

The aim is so ambitious, the battlefield so wide, the issues so dire, and the foe so nigh omnipotent, that this absurdity is either insane or else it is inspired.

A single snowflake that triggers the avalanche is also absurd.

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Note on White Nationalism

Posted January 28, 2017 By John C Wright

“Is there any way to make white nationalism defensible?”

No. A Jewish ethnostate is possible and desirable because Judaism is both a race and a religion.

A religion is what actually governs a man’s basic virtues and worldview.

Persons in a nation state must share basic virtues and worldview to be able to maintain civility and cohesion.

“Whiteness” is not a philosophy, not a worldview, not a thing that produces a certain outlook or demands a certain loyalty.

What everyone thinks is “the White race” is nothing more or less than the ghost of an increasingly decayed and secular Protestantism trying to find a secular replacement for the spirit of the Catholic Church, which, before the Reformation, was the sole animating spirit of Western Europe.

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Posted January 28, 2017 By John C Wright

Sargon is banned from Twitter for a clear violation of their perfectly reasonable rules, and I was fooled by not looking for more skeptically at his appeal for help than I should have been. I will leave this here as a warning sign to those as gullible as I not to follow in my footsteps.

And here I thought I had found the one remaining honest Leftist. Paging Diogenes! Read the remainder of this entry »

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Milo on White Pride

Posted January 28, 2017 By John C Wright

Here is Milo on Identity Politics: Read the remainder of this entry »

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Not Tired of Winning Yet VI

Posted January 26, 2017 By John C Wright

If you watch this interview on, they have removed this portion of the interview.

But we can still see it.

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And the Rage Within me Spoke

Posted January 26, 2017 By John C Wright

The Last Crusade, which, as of the time of this writing consists of myself and eight others, has already received criticism for being insufficiently pacifist.

I assume such criticism is not meant to be taken seriously. It came from the Left, of course. Leftists do not remain silent when they have nothing to say. If a Leftist stoops and finds no stone to throw at a nun or a cripple, he will throw a handful of grass.

By no coincidence, I received this letter from a reader named Don Cicchetti , which perhaps can explain whence some of us discover in ourselves a warlike spirit, even if the current phase of the war is spiritual, not physical.

I found it moving, and I trust you will as well.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet V

Posted January 26, 2017 By John C Wright

Just heard on the radio this morning that the entire senior leadership of the State Department at Foggy Bottom just quit.

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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In the Eye of the Beholder?

Posted January 25, 2017 By John C Wright

What I said was that is beauty is either objective or subjective. If it is subjective, that means that no real beauty actually exists in the real world, it is merely a personal and arbitrary thing we impose on the world.

But if beauty is merely a personal and arbitrary thing we impose on the world, we could impose it as we wished, could we not? I could make myself be as sexually attracted to a hairy man as I am to a svelte and buxom woman; I could make myself salivate at the scent of maggoty rotted meat as I could for a grilled steak smothered in mushrooms; and I could made dung found in the eye of a dead child as beautiful to my eye as the earth seen from space, or the glint of a star above a high snow-cloaked mountain peak.

Let us suppose for the sake of argument, that I could do these things. Would it be a beautiful thing or an ugly one that I could? Would the fact that I could breathe in ghastly ugliness and see it the way you see rainbows, birds in flight, maidens dancing, cathedrals in moonlight, and soaring symphonies?

No: you would be repulsed. You would know there was something wrong with me.

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Superluminary, Episode 37 Uneasy Lies the Head

Posted January 25, 2017 By John C Wright

Superluminary, Episode 37 UNEASY LIES THE HEAD is posted on Patreon:

Episode 37  Uneasy Lies the Head

In this exciting episode, the hatred and ambitions of the Imperial family clash over the final question of who shall rule, to an unexpected, yet inevitable result.

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