Archive for May, 2018

Prayer for the Workingman

Posted May 21, 2018 By John C Wright

As I am looking for a new job, I say the following prayer to Saint Joseph:

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being able to work side by side with Jesus in the carpenter shop of Nazareth. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to respect the dignity of labor and ever to be content with the position in life, however lowly, in which it may please Divine Providence to place me. Teach me to work for God and with God in the spirit of humility and prayer, as you did, so that I may offer my toil in union with the sacrifice of Jesus in the Mass as a reparation for my sins, and gain rich merit for heaven.

The wife and I are seriously debating whether I should just throw off my dayjob, and work as a writer fulltime. I vow I could write a book every month, or every other month, and finish off the projects my dear fans are waiting to see, Moth and Cobweb, or Somewhither, or my new Star Wars inspired “Wright Way to Write it” project called Starquest.

The wife and I are puzzling out how to do a freestarter or kickstarter campaign to pay for things like cover art. You may have seen her notice in this space previously.

In any case, prayers would be helpful to me should any fans who are Christian be willing to remember me to heaven. My pagan fans, I am not sure if you call up spirits from the vasty deep, whether they will be on my side or not, so use caution.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XLI

Posted May 18, 2018 By John C Wright

The Hill this morning reported:

The Trump administration announced on Friday it plans to ban the use of federal funds for family planning clinics that refer women for abortions.

The rule would ban clinics that receive federal money from referring women for abortions and remove the requirement that clinics counsel women on abortion as an option.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. This is a small first step. We should pray to see abortion outlawed in our lifetimes.

When William Wilberforce started his crusade against the slave trade, he certainly did not expect to see slavery itself, not just the international trade, ended in England, then worldwide, before he died: but so the Divine Judge in Heaven, who sees all hidden hearts, decree.

When a young mother butchers her own helpless child in the womb like livestock, it mars and scars her soul. Having her return to regular Church-going, having a happy marriage, having normal human social relations, all become more difficult. The little ghost sits in high windows at night, or atop her bookshelf in her room, and looks down at her. She feels an ache in her arm where she is not carrying her baby.

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Three Questions about Catholics

Posted May 18, 2018 By John C Wright

A reader wrote an asked me three questions, given below in italics, and gave me permission to share the questions and my answer to anyone who may be curious.

My own experience, when I was looking into which denomination to join, was that everything I heard about the Catholic teaching that seemed bad, or even fishy, turned out, upon closer examination, not to be something the Catholics actually taught.

My biggest personal barrier to becoming a Catholic was giving up on contraceptives, which is one thing I had already, back when I was an atheist, had deduced for entirely secular reasons to be a grave moral error.

This, frankly, made the matter much easier for me than for most new converts, since I could not, in good conscience, contemplate joining any denomination that did not stay faithful to the ancient Christian teaching on this point, because I myself had quite independently discovered that the ancient Christian teaching was correct. The idea that God would change His mind on this point was one I did not bother to entertain.

  1. I’m uncomfortable with praying to humans, like Mary or the saints. I have to admit I don’t have a real argument, but it just makes me uncomfortable. Is this biblical or at least not forbidden biblically? 

To answer this, we must first ask why pray at all?

God certainly knows your prayer before you ask it. He knows what you need from ages before you were born.

The answer is not controversial. Not just Catholics but most mainstream denominations teach that we participate in the divine nature and the divine will when we pray.

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Crowdsourcing Starquest

Posted May 17, 2018 By John C Wright

Jagi, here.

John and I are toying with the idea of trying a crowdsourcing campaign (like Kickstarter, but not sure which one we’d use yet) to see if we could fund some time for him to finish Starquest, rather than have to immediately find a new day job.

Not a sure thing yet, but if we did: Any kind of prize or stretch goal you guys might like to see?

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Larry Correia on Origins

Posted May 17, 2018 By John C Wright

I confess to an unchristian and uncharitable desire to see Gamergate or Sad Puppies revived, and to have all the wretched Secret Masters of SJW, or whoever is behind this, exposed, shamed, and run out of town on a rail.

Larry Correia has posted an additional comment on the matter. It is R-rated language, which, in this case, is utterly justified:

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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 50, Voice of Thunder, is now posted on Patreon.

Episode 50 Voice of Thunder

In this exciting episode, Colonel Lost receives unexpected help, and hears an  sound unexpected but dearly familiar.

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Red Pill Religion

Posted May 16, 2018 By John C Wright

Tonight we may have something entirely different.



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Sheep, Wolf, Sheepdog

Posted May 16, 2018 By John C Wright

As ever, C.S. Lewis puts an idea into words better than I could hope. It is an idea we desperately need in this hour when vulgarity, misogyny, boasting, brutality, bullying, and the lowest and most craven forms of shrieking and hysterical girlish cowardice are all combined in our elites and role models.

In the current day, the concept that the most important element of character is imposed by art, not by nature, has been dismissed and derided.

That element is chivalry.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XL

Posted May 16, 2018 By John C Wright

The unconstitutional and absurd investigation by Mueller into alleged collusion between Trump and Russian oligarchs to hoax the 2016 election has encountered an ironic punchline:

Mueller, because of his own collusion with Russian oligarchs, has a conflict of interest in pursuing the investigation, lest his own unlawful conduct come to light. An honorable man, at this point, would recuse himself.

In other words, Mueller’s fishing trips trying to take down a duly elected president based on trumped up charges, is apparently himself guilty of the crime he is investigating, and Trump is not.

Let us hope we have heard the last of this nonsense.

A column in the Hill by John Solomon, from which I have quoted relevant paragraphs:

… There’s one episode even Mueller’s former law enforcement comrades — and independent ethicists — acknowledge raises legitimate legal issues and a possible conflict of interest in his overseeing the Russia election probe.

In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007.

Yes, that’s the same Deripaska who has surfaced in Mueller’s current investigation and who was recently sanctioned by the Trump administration.

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Larry Correia no longer Guest of Honor at Origins

Posted May 15, 2018 By John C Wright
Origins disinvited Larry Correia over his politics. Leftist crybullies at work.
If that doesn’t work, here’s the quote:

“Origins Attendees,

I want to discuss our invitation to Larry Correia a guest at Origins. By all counts he is a very talented author.

Unfortunately, when he was recommended I was unaware of some personal views that are specifically unaligned with the philosophy of our show and the organization.

I want to thank those of you that brought this error to our attention. Origins is an inclusive and family friendly event. We focus on fun and gaming, not discourse and controversy.

I felt it necessary to recend his invitation to participate in the show. I apologize again to those of you that were looking forward to seeing him at Origins.

John Ward, Executive Director”

Mr. Correia ‘s statement on the matter is here:

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Robert E Howard podcast

Posted May 14, 2018 By John C Wright

I have been asked to appear as a guest on a podcast hosted by our own Zaklog the Great tomorrow,  Tuesday the 15th at 9:30.

Here is the link:

The topic is Robert E Howard’s poem “The One Black Stain.”

They carried him out on the barren sand
where the rebel captains died;
Where the grim gray rotting gibbets stand
as Magellan reared them on the strand,
And the gulls that haunt the lonesome land
wail to the lonely tide.

Drake faced them all like a lion at bay,
with his lion head upflung:
“Dare ye my word of law defy,
to say this traitor shall not die?”
And his captains dared not meet his eye
but each man held his tongue.

Solomon Kane stood forth alone,
grim man of sober face:
“Worthy of death he may well be,
but the trial ye held was mockery,
“Ye hid your spite in a travesty
where justice hid her face.
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A Stern Reminder

Posted May 11, 2018 By John C Wright

I have been getting complaints from my regular reading community that a group of new readers, attracted to my blog in by the lure of a discussion about Jordan Peterson, decided to open up a conversation promoting antisemitism.

My policy is posted for all to see in the lefthand column of the opening page. If you are not familiar with it, I reserve the right to delete the posts and ban the posting privileges of anyone making antisemitic, racist, racial separatist or  racial supremacist remarks.

Because and only because I am the one, with my last post, who brought up the topic of antisemitism, and because it would be unfair of me to ban an antisemite for answering questions exposing his ghastly conceits when I am the one who asked the questions, the several people whom I have the right to ban, I shall not, or, at least, not yet.

With one exception, the antisemites have been polite and well mannered, and it would be ill of me not to encourage the devils to be polite.

But I wanted one and all to be warned that I will not tolerate the filthy atmosphere that racist political philosophies bring. Be aware of my rules. Nothing but my own sense of honor binds me to them. Do not impose further on my good nature.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XXXIX

Posted May 11, 2018 By John C Wright

Six top ISIS leaders captured today. This basically decapitates the Jihadist group you had been told for year after year were, somehow, at the same time,  the JV team unworthy of a Democrat administration’s attention, and an invulnerable yet invincible foe which any attempt to fight merely would make stronger.

Ah, who remembers with me the days when the Obama administration was releasing Gitmo Jihadi terror leaders back into the battlefield, killing targets haphazardly with drone strikes, and otherwise orchestrating a war effort so ineptly that it was indistinguishable in practical terms from rendering aid and comfort to the enemy?



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The Idiotic Utility of Useful Idiots

Posted May 10, 2018 By John C Wright

Some gentleman or lady of limited moral and mental capacity left this tidbit in my comments box:

Anyway, as regards racial diversity in the here and now, the fact is that most Western countries are racially diverse, and that one group in particular (ie, Jews) regularly seems to be over-represented in certain fields beyond what things like IQ & other merit-based theories can account for.

But is it beyond what Jewish mothers haranguing their sons into high paying jobs can account for?

And, just as question here, Mein Schatz, how exactly do you calibrate the precise level of Jews or untermenschen to be accounted for by merit based theory in certain fields, such that any number beyond that limit must ergo not be due to merit?

Is there some precise, scientific way of determining which race entering which fields in which numbers is correct and scientific, such that if too many members of that race enter that field, it means they are involved in a sinister conspiracy?

Because, if so, Mein Herr, I would like you to account for the fact that all the major beer companies in America are German: Busch, Budweiser, Blatz, Schlitz, Pabst, Miller, etc, etc.

The major rocket scientists in Huntsville and atomic scientists on the Manhattan Project were German.

Huh. It is almost as if different people, both individually and as groups, have different talents, skills, interests, and strategies for success. Fancy that.

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(Better late than never. I meant to have this posted earlier today, but job-hunting took up some of my time.)

Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 49, No Fate nor Force Unseen, is now posted on Patreon.

Episode 49 No Fate nor Force Unseen

In this exciting episode, Colonel Lost is poisoned,captured, disarmed, enslaved, mocked, and kicked while he is down! An endless future of miserable suffering await, and the cruel despoliation of all his fragile hopes! All is lost! Wail and gnash your teeth, O readers!

But what is that odd grimace on the face of an unobtrusive manservant? What does it mean? What role has a snarky weapon-rod of many parts to play in these great events?

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