Archive for February, 2019

Why do Folk Hate Trump

Posted February 28, 2019 By John C Wright

Someone asked me why folk hate Trump. The answer, of course, is that only two groups of folk hate Trump, once he became the GOP nominee and, later, leader of the free world: Leftists, who are traitors to their nation and species, and Nevertrumpers, who are traitors to their party.

But why the hate?

Because he is blunt and inarticulate and tactless, immoral, womanizing, and rich as Croesus. Add to that the fact that he is a genius for organization, a canny manipulator of the news, and has sympathy for the common man. He restored balance to the Supreme Court. He is also a patriot. He heaps scorn on idiotic leftwing pieties which everyone else, including right wing opponents, never dare treat with disrespect. He has restored the military, lowered taxes and unemployment and singlehandedly removed all Obama era obstacles to our current oil golden age. Therefore, by leftwing ideas, he should be failing at everything he attempts. Foreign power should scorn and loathe him, not love and respect him. But in fact the elite hate him most of all because he is one of them, but he is more elite than any of them, richer than their millionaires, more famous than their tv stars, more popular and far, far more effective than their politicians. They thought Hillary would finish Obamas work and usher in a socialist utopia with themselves in charge, glorious days of adultery and pederasty, and no Constitution to hinder their powergrabs, and no Church to call them sinners. Then Trump smashed it all. For the first time in living memory, the progressives are losing ground

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Mean Spacedragon by Nobert Ebersol

Posted February 28, 2019 By John C Wright

Instead of waiting for Episode Nine to be written produced by Disney, my friend Nobert Ebersol, no relation to me, wrote the following masterpiece.

And by “wrote” I mean he went to a website called PLOT GENERATOR and entered the values for the name, romantic lead, and best friend of the heroine, as well as locations and villain and props. The computer did the rest.

See whether or not, to your satisfaction, this stacks up against the other modern Disney versions of STAR WARS.

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The Elf King Requesteth — Fundraising for Service Trip

Posted February 27, 2019 By John C Wright

My name is Justinian Oberon Wright, usually called Juss (as in Lord Juss from The Worm Ouroboros) though a few of you may know me as The Elf King (see my middle name).

I am the youngest son of John C. Wright and his “lovely and talented wife”, L. Jagi Lamplighter (Wright). You may remember me from such articles as Frozen’s Fatal Flaw Or The Unplotted Plot Twist. This summer, I have an opportunity to go on the adventure of a lifetime–or at least of my lifetime so far–but, I need your help!

I am a part of an organization called the National Leadership Council, a youth group for Christian teens. The point of NLC is to teach kids, such as myself, the skills needed to succeed. The program has been of great help to me. It has forced me to achieve level organization and stick-to-itiveness that, while not yet all that impressive, I would not otherwise have.

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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 73 Warlords of Ages Lost

Posted February 27, 2019 By John C Wright

Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 73 Warlords of Ages Lost, is now posted.

Episode 73 Warlords of Ages Lost

In this exciting episode, disaster looms over the fighting men of Theno, as Firstlings from lost lands and continents, immune from the Swift Death, pour into the bloody battlefield. The iron chariots of the foe trample the defenders. All seems lost!  

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Why so Frightened?

Posted February 27, 2019 By John C Wright

A reader with the novel yet binary name of the New Number Two asks:

“Now a question, why is the left afraid of, and why will they not allow, free and equal discussion?”

The answer is one I have pondered and examined before. My apologies to those weary of the topic, but some things bear repeating.

The whole realm of human philosophy can be divided into nine areas: Epistemology, Logic, Ontology, Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics, Economics, Metaphysics, Theology.

In each area, the Left is not merely wrong, but loyal to the exact opposite of truth, and has no argument to make which does not instantly refute itself. Hence, a free and open discussion threatens all they hold dear, and promises no advantage whatever should such discussion be allowed.

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Red Pill Religion: Warlocks and Morlocks

Posted February 25, 2019 By John C Wright

You have been living in the matrix which told you that religion is a crass and backward superstition, hostile to science, irrational and unhygienic, which has no place in the future.

Now you can either take the blue pill, and wake up believing whatever you want to believe, or you can take the red pill, and have the scales fall from your eyes, shed your blindness, and see the real world as it is. The Left has been using your brain as a battery, a lump meant only to power their schemes and schemas.

Take the red pill, and discover that religion is rational, is based on evidence, is healthy, and is normal.

This week, the topic is Warlocks and Morlocks: or how systematic manipulations of words and their meanings makes English into Newspeak.

Join us on the chat! Begins tonight at 8.30 pm. Live, spontaneous, and unscripted!

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Faith and Works in a Science Fictional Universe

Posted February 25, 2019 By John C Wright

Originally published at 1Peter5 in August of 2016.

Few men have ever hated Christ as much as I have, before turning to love Him.

Before I was a Catholic, I was an atheist, and not an atheist who kept his opinions to himself, but a vituperative, proselytizing, aggressive, evangelist of atheism who sought at every opportunity to spread the Bad News that God was dead and Christians were fools.

But there was one area sacrosanct from my proselytizing effort. I did not use my science fiction stories to preach nor promote my worldview. I thought then that the honor of a gentleman, not to mention the pride of workmanship every craftsman should embrace, made it unseemly to preach my worldview when I was being paid to entertain. To use stories to spread my atheist views would be to impose on my customers, who came to me for a rollicking good space opera filled with exploding planets and colliding galaxies and stunning space princesses and stalwart space heroes. To give them a syllogism when they came for a space war, or an editorial when they came for an apocalypse, would cheat them of their hard-earned science fiction-buying dollar. To give them anything of the current world and its current controversies when they wished for escape into the future would be to play my beloved patrons false.

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Posted February 23, 2019 By John C Wright

Amy Butcher at Literary Hub penned an essay titled MIA:The Liberal Men We Love. 

If you are curious about a psychology that is totally unselfaware while being totally self-absorbed, it is worth reading; or if you have a load of popcorn uneaten, and you need some idle diversion for a while while you enjoy it.

It is also enormously funny, but only if you are in a cruel mood, which, unfortunately, may indeed be the proper mood with which to greet an era dominated by unrepentant and utterly unconvincing liars.

Here is an excerpt:

To a certain extent, we expected it from the men who wear lobster-printed pants, the men from Connecticut, the Young Republicans of America with their gelled and parted hair, their summers in Nantucket, their LL Bean slippers worn on the porches of fraternities, 2pm on a Monday. But when my friend pulls me aside in a hotel bar and tells me it’s happening to her husband—a man who donates annually to NPR and voted twice for Barack Obama, who has a degree in Art History and works for a non-profit—neither one of us knows what to say.

We speak of it like an infection: has it spread to your household yet?

No doubt you’ve seen it, too: in restaurants, at corner tables, during the toasts at wedding receptions. It is evident often in Pilates classes, as women bend and stretch and grunt, pool beside the water fountain, pretend it is sweat that stings their eyes. A colleague tells me she has witnessed it at Back-to-School-Night, even, and on the beaches beneath the sunscreen. I see it sometimes in the grocery store: the way he scowls or rolls his eyes when she suggests the honeyed ham. It was witnessed most recently in the lobby of an Iowan daycare, pastel and suburban as it is, amid the many construction paper leaves, beside the giant pumpkin. It lives even—unfathomably—in the pews of American churches, as men and women clutch their Bibles, as they close their eyes in prayer and mouth the words, sweet hallelujah.

Everywhere across America, liberal unions once so strong in love—relationships founded on mutual respect and trust and commitment and loyalty—have found themselves upended, or at the very least foundationally rocked, by the political escalation as it relates, perhaps most specifically, to womanhood and gender.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet LIV

Posted February 21, 2019 By John C Wright

It is the season of hoaxes.

Jussie Smollett has been arrested. He  has been charged with felony disorderly conduct for filing a false police report. The alleged attackers were actually friends of his from the set of the television show he is on that nobody has ever heard of.

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Zaklog Livestreams Wormword

Posted February 21, 2019 By John C Wright


Zaklog the Great has an announcement and invitation:

Rachel Fulton Brown has been featured on this blog before. Fans of hers might be interested to know she will be joining me and Nate (not Winchester) this Friday night at 9:30 Eastern time for a livestream discussion of C.S. Lewis’s poem Wormwood. If you’d like to watch live, save this link and I’ll see you then.

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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 72 Mu, Kumari, Polaris

Posted February 20, 2019 By John C Wright

Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 72 Mu, Kumari, Polaris, is now posted.

Episode 72 Mu, Kumari, Polaris

In this exciting episode, Preston beholds the first three companies of the assaulting forces of the Advocacy; their order, origins, and arms described. Against his command, the rowdy sailors of Theno sally forth to battle. 

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Ghost in the AI

Posted February 20, 2019 By John C Wright

Today’s must read article is from Wm Briggs:

Ghost In The AI

Hot readings are cheating. Cons peek in wallets, purses, and now on the Internet, and note relevant facts, such as addresses, birthdays, and various other bits of personal information. Cold readings are when the con probes the mark, trying many different lines of inquiry—“I see the letter ‘M’”—which rely on the mark providing relevant feedback. “I had a pet duck when I was four named Missy?” “That’s it! Missy misses you from Duck Heaven.” “You can see!”

You might not believe it, but cold reading is shockingly effective. I have used it many times in practicing mentalism (mental magic), all under the guise of “scientific psychological theory.” People want to believe in psychics, and they want to believe in science maybe even more.

What’s funny is that even after you expose the psychic or scientist or scientific theory as a fraud, people still believe, not necessarily in the fraudster, but in the fraud. Keene dubbed this the “true-believer syndrome”.

He goes on to speak about AI and the Turing Test. Like my teacher Mortimer Adler, I do not believe the Turing Test will ever be passed —

With this caveat. I do not believe the Turing Test will ever be passed if the machine is talking to me. If the machine is talking to someone who wants to believe in AI, someone who bends facts to fit theories, the machine will pass with flying colors.

Granting inanimate objects civil rights will be the great cause célèbre in AD 2081, about the same year the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution assure everyone perfect equality, and the 214th through 220th Amendment gives women the right not only to kill children up to age 21 (the sixty-sixth trimester), but disappointing spouses and nagging parents as well.

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Fool Me Two Hundred Times, Shame on Me

Posted February 19, 2019 By John C Wright

Keep this list in mind.

Jussie Smollett
Nathan Phillips
Marcus Boyd and Derrick Brooks
Fynn Ajani Arthur
Drake University Coed of Color

Ask yourself what sort of political philosophy or worldview requires an apparently unending epidemic of wildly-publicized histrionic falsehoods to maintain its self esteem.

This list continues for another two hundred entries or so.

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Is God Evil?

Posted February 18, 2019 By John C Wright

Join Us!

We are tonight debating two questions:

Is the God of the Bible, particularly as depicted in Exodus, an evil being?

If He is evil, does this alleviate us from any duty of obedience?

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Message from Larry Correia

Posted February 18, 2019 By John C Wright

I am trying to help spread the word:

This week is that the Book Bomb for Zach Hill’s Sakura will be launched Wednesday night and run on Thursday. Tell your friends, spread the word, because I want this to be the biggest Book Bomb we’ve ever done.

For those of you not following Larry Correia’s blog, here is the skinny on book bombing:

A Book Bomb is when we pick out a deserving author who could use a publicity boost, and get as many people as possible to buy their book in the same day on Amazon. The more people who buy, the higher it goes in the sales rankings. Once it gets on some bestseller lists, that gets it in front of even more new eyes. Success breeds success, the author gets new readers, and most importantly, the author GETS PAID.

And here is the sad backstory on Zach Hills’s book:

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