Archive for September, 2020

All Men Dream of Earthwomen, Noetic File 14.0 Academocracy

Posted September 30, 2020 By John C Wright

All Men Dream of Earthwomen, Noetic File 14.0 Academocracy, is now posted.

Noetic File 14.0: Academocracy

The Narrator eludes pursuit of assassins lying in wait for him, and discovers the body of Amphitricia prone before his doors.

Of greater interest to academia are passages in this file describing the more and laws of Earthmen of this century. Scholarship can find no archaeological evidence to support this report of prenatal infanticide, alleged here to be a barbarism halted by the Machines of Earth.

The Narrator’s confusion about the illegality of prophylactics, his distaste for strong drink, and his comment that the women of his world go veiled, lead some savants to speculate he is a Neo-Mormon or a Mohammedan, and that the mention of religion as Zen Gnosticism is a later interpolation, prompted by the secular sentiments of later copyists.

It is noteworthy that he does not recognize the aquanimation water-sculpture mentioned in file 7.0 for what it is, a sacramental oxygenated hydraulic meditation instrument sacred to the Diamond Zen sect of 81 Eridani, encoded by the Founder of the Archivist Order, Liyet Ansar.

It is for this reason that settled opinion regards the passage as ironic, as no librarian could be unfamiliar with his own founder’s handiwork, albeit some unconventional thinkers propose that the Narrator is not a librarian at all; an unorthodox opinion verging on heresy.

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The Poet and the Magician

Posted September 30, 2020 By John C Wright

A Mr. Benthow asks whether portraying “science magic” in science fiction and fantasy is dangerous to the public mind, where “science magic” is the use of non-spiritual powers and energies to perform fantastical feats, such as in most superhero fiction.

The question depends on what the danger to the public mind is, and what is included in the non-spiritual powers under discussion.

Ultimately, the question depends on how these two come together, and in what sort of mind.

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Evangelizing Fandom

Posted September 29, 2020 By Mrs. Wright

New column on Superversive SF. They are looking for posts if anyone has a conversion story, thoughts about Christianity and Fantasy & SF, or other related idea.

Read:  Evangelizing Fandom

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Larry Correia is an Asset, so Pay Taxes on Him!

Posted September 29, 2020 By John C Wright

So as I walk through life, from time to time, roughly four or five times an hour, I become aware of some additional fraud, falsehood, lie, lie by omission, lie by commission, white lie, black lie, or absurd suppression, misdirection, or elliptical ambiguity being perpetrated by the news media on the American public.

Today as I went down to the corner store for a cup of coffee, as is my habit every morn, I was told many a blaring, blazing, buffeting, bludgeoning headline being issued from the Mouth of Sauron. It seems some ten years or so of tax returns of President Trump, God-emperor of transawesomemania, Lord of Maga, and Man of Orangeness, had been illegally leaked to the public, a felony, and the News Media had a pre-prepared and coordinated response.

Indeed, I saw dozens and dozens of headlines from nigh a hundred papers or sources, and each and every one, one and all, each man jack of them, covered the same talking points in the same way, using the same language, all in glassy eyed unison as perfect as little boys bouncing balls on the sidewalks of planet Kamazotz in A WRINKLE IN TIME.

They all said Trump underpaid his taxes, or somehow cheated or gamed the system, when, in fact, he was paying millions in advance.

All the “tells” or signs that these remarks were half truths and whole lies, cynically meant to deceive the low-information voter who reads headlines and whose eyes glaze over during conversations involving fiscal technicalities, were present and abundant.

But who could explain, with gusto and zeal, the stinking and foetid and mephitic falsehoods of chthonic profundity piled to skyscraper height of bovine excreted material involved in the propaganda writings of the mainstream ministry of truth?

Dares any voice speak so clear?

And I thought to myself, thought I: Larry Correia, the Mountain Who Writes, is an accountant. Surely he sees through these lies.

I was so confident that he would have written a column fisking the arrant nonsense being spread with manure shovels about Mr. Trump and his taxes, that it was with a gust of jovial laughter that I sat at my desk, opened his website, and read:


Mr Correia’s famed and far-feared pen, sharper than a serpent’s tooth, draws blood in this fashion:

… this morning my feed is filled with people who don’t know shit about taxes retweeting the stupid opinions of other morons who also don’t know shit about taxes. This is just as annoying as last week when these same idiots all suddenly became Constitutional Scholars. Or the month before that when they were all experts on use of force laws and police tactics. Or the month before that when they suddenly got their epidemiology degrees from the University of Internet and turned into infectious disease experts.


Holy shit, you Dunning-Krugerands are annoying. Of course the comments are all about the “morality” of paying your “fair share”. Which isn’t how any of this works in real life. Just stop it with your vapid hot takes already. You clearly have a child-like grasp of a complex topic, and your words are making America dumber.


Such a fisking is like hearing the bass voice from the MORTAL KOMBAT game declare flawless victory: finish him! 

Ah! Let praises rise to heaven that this generation has been blessed with a man so bald and gigantic, blessed with such back-alley brawling spirit of truth.

Let the triphammers and morningstar flails of truth batter and crush the skulls of the two-tongued lie-weasels!

Read on!

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To Reign is Worth Ambition

Posted September 28, 2020 By John C Wright

Many a novelist knows and regrets that events too improbable to be convincingly set in some fantastic adventure romance occur regularly in real life.

We novelists regard this as an insolence.  Whatever power guides human fate clearly is both more imaginative and more surprising than mere poets dare.

One Jamie Smith, who, despite the name, is a woman, or was, reveals in the pages of the Huffington Post how she was lured into the waiting arms of Satan — whom, one must note, she is quick to decree does not exist.

So the political ideal of anarchist totalitarianism and the economic theory of plutocratic communism is insufficient to amuse the pretensions of the self-anointed class-warfare elitists. Now atheist Satanism is the vogue.

To be sure, this is but one soul wandering lost into the endless darkness and infinite void, where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. Nonetheless, man tongues wag. For taken as a symbol and example, she is too perfect to be overlooked.
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Words of Wisdom from SCOTUSBLOG

Posted September 28, 2020 By John C Wright

[This is from Ryan T. Anderson, William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. The whole column is here. Recommended reading.] 

Justice Neil Gorsuch’s majority opinion in Bostock v. Clayton County claims to apply a simple and straightforward test: “An employer violates Title VII when it intentionally fires an individual employee based in part on sex.” But he refuses to consider what applying this simple—in reality, simplistic—test actually requires—and not just under Title VII, but under every nondiscrimination law that includes “sex” as a protected category, notably including Title IX. Gorsuch’s argument rests on the logic of sex discrimination. Alas, he got that logic wrong. And had he considered what applying it to other cases would require, he might have been forced to reconsider his misguided theory. This mistaken theory of sex discrimination will have far-reaching negative consequences down the road.

Gorsuch argues that whenever sex is a “but-for” cause of a negative employment decision, sex discrimination has occurred. He writes:

If the employer intentionally relies in part on an individual employee’s sex when deciding to discharge the employee—put differently, if changing the em­ployee’s sex would have yielded a different choice by the em­ployer—a statutory violation has occurred.

And Gorsuch offers examples of how this plays out. Here’s one:

Or take an employer who fires a transgender person who was identified as a male at birth but who now identifies as a female. If the employer retains an otherwise identical employee who was identified as female at birth, the em­ployer intentionally penalizes a person identified as male at birth for traits or actions that it tolerates in an employee identified as female at birth.

Under the Gorsuch test, if changing the plaintiff’s sex would change the outcome, sex discrimination has taken place. Suppose a female lifeguard is fired because she wears a swimsuit bottom but not a top. No doubt, “changing the employee’s sex would have yielded a different choice by the em­ployer.” Yet her termination was not sex discrimination provided that a male lifeguard who exposed private parts would have similarly been fired. That male and female bodies differ—and thus require different swimsuits to prevent exposure—doesn’t amount to discrimination unless one embraces a simplistic theory. And, of course, nothing hinges on whether this lifeguard currently “identifies” as a woman or a man.

Consider another example. Suppose a male employee at a fitness center repeatedly goes into the woman’s locker room and is fired. Now it’s true that “changing the em­ployee’s sex would have yielded a different choice.” But the negative treatment the employee faced was not sex discrimination, provided the employer imposed no double standard for men and women, because each are prevented from entering the opposite sex’s private space.

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The Difference between Us and Them

Posted September 27, 2020 By John C Wright

Tony Heller remarks:
50,000 Christians at the Lincoln Memorial today. No hatred. No violence. No fires. No property destroyed. No police shot. And almost no masks. The difference between Republicans and Democrats.

And I should add:
No CNN. No mainstream news. No mention.

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Worth, Authority, Envy

Posted September 25, 2020 By John C Wright

What is “worth”?

More people pay more money in the aggregate, for example, as wages and rewards to Elvis Presley, an entertainer, than to His Holiness the Pope in Rome, a prince of the Church. But is Elvis truly worth more than the Pope?

By the same token, a housewife and mother receives no wage at all for bearing and raising children, thus saving the human race from absolute destruction once per every generation: indeed, a woman who copulates for pay is regarded as dishonorable. If a prostitute is less socially acceptable than a honeymoon bride, why is she paid less?

As I recall, Jesus Christ received neither wage nor stipend for this ministry work, which saved all human souls from hellfire, albeit some of his heirs and assigns are maintained by voluntary contributions and tithes, as well a grants from monarchs.

Likewise, the Buddha received no pay for his lectures and tutoring in the art of enlightenment; Socrates was slain by the city he helped to make the most famous seat of philosophy and literature in the world; the Founding Father lost their lives and fortunes in the revolution they engineered, or many of them did, and were not paid money to recompense them for the work.

The pay of even of highly skilled soldiers in war is generally far less than that of successful whoremongers, drugrunners, and racetrack owners.  The pornographer Hugh Hefner was able to buy a mansion with the proceeds of his empire of girly magazines and gambling joints, for example.

Yet again, John Milton received less than ten pounds for writing PARADISE LOST, a priceless work of genius. How is that fair?

There are at least three versions of the word “worth” at play here, and it is the deliberate ambiguity between them which allows the politicized devil-cult of envy and covetousness known as Marxism to exist.

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For the Lovely and Talented Wife

Posted September 25, 2020 By Mrs. Wright

Today is a signal boost for The Unexpected Enlightenment of Rachel Griffin. The ebook is FREE on Amazon and at Silver Empire.

Roanoke Academy for the Sorcerous Arts – A magic school like no other!

Nestled amidst the beauty of New York’s Hudson Highlands and hidden from the eyes of the Unwary, Roanoke Academy is a place of magic and wonder. It offers everything a young sorceress could desire—enchantments, flying brooms, and the promise of new friendships.

On her first day of school, Rachel Griffin discovers her perfect memory gives her an unexpected advantage. With it, she can see through the spell sorcerers use to hide their secrets. Very soon, she discovers that there is a far-vaster secret world hiding from the Wise, precisely the same way that the magical folk hide from the mundane folk.

When someone tries to kill a fellow student, she investigates. Rushing forward where others fear to tread, Rachel bravely faces wraiths, embarrassing magical pranks, mysterious older boys, a Raven that brings the doom of worlds, and at least one fire-breathing teacher.

Described by fans as: “Lovecraft meets Narnia at Hogwarts”, The Unexpected Enlightenment of Rachel Griffin is a tale of wonder and danger, romance and heartbreak, and, most of all, of magic and of a girl who refuses to be daunted.

Curiosity may kill a cat, but nothing stops Rachel Griffin!

“Lamplighter introduces many imaginative elements in her world that will delight…” VOYA

See The Unexpected Enlightenment of Rachel Griffin on Amazon

See The Unexpected Enlightenment of Rachel Griffin at small press Silver Empire

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All Men Dream of Earthwomen, Noetic File 13.0 The Weapons of Infinity, is now posted.

Noetic File 13.0: The Weapons of Infinity

The Narrator reflects on the relation of weapon technology to social and political institutions.

Some scholars consider this passage to be an interpolation from an instruction for children or reconstituted linderlings, since the basic realities of life, in theory, would have been well known to all the narrator’s listeners, even of earths founded long ago, or from a theory of design far removed from the psycho-social norm of the Museum.

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Nyanzi on Fairy Tale Fracturing

Posted September 23, 2020 By John C Wright

The insightful Rawle Nyanzi pens an observation about the deconstruction and disenchantment of the modern horror story, and the ancient fairy tale. Well worth the read. (You may also follow his links to L. Jagi Lamplighter, my beautiful and talented wife, who holds forth on a similar topic.)

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Posted September 23, 2020 By John C Wright

It is ironic to note that the Democrat party, before its takeover and corruption by Critical Intersectionalist Social Justice Marxthink under Clinton and Obama, vocally, publicly, and energetically promoted and supported the idea of a colorblind, nonracist society, and held up the ideal voiced by Martin Luther King as the holy words of a crowned and halo’d saint: the dream of a day when men were judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

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Now, for some Real News

Posted September 21, 2020 By John C Wright

Genius Trump Nominates Joe Biden To Supreme Court Forcing Dems To Accuse Him Of Sexual Assault

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Trump has announced his pick for Supreme Court justice: Joe Biden. By nominating Biden, Trump has forced the Dems’ hands, making them believe the sexual assault claims and allegations of inappropriate, creepy behavior against the former vice president.

The “4D chess” move forced Dems to immediately accuse Joe Biden of sexual assault and reverse their position on the current claims against him.

“We now believe Tara Reade,” said a somber Kamala Harris, “and we will do everything in our power to destroy this man’s life.”

More here

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White Privilege

Posted September 21, 2020 By John C Wright

The first time I ever heard the phrase “White Privilege”, I was listening to a young, wealthy, Negress from an Ivy League school accusing a someone not as wealthy, not from an elite school, and Jewess of having it.

As an attorney, the only race-based privileges of which I am aware in any common law ruling, Constitutional provision, law, statute, or administrative ruling, involve affirmative action, which openly and purposefully grants certain minorities legal privileges northern European Caucasians do not enjoy.

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Posted September 21, 2020 By John C Wright
For those of you who are fans of Razorfist, Castalia House has an announcement: Read the remainder of this entry »
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