Archive for August, 2021

Cato Says Delenda Est

Posted August 31, 2021 By John C Wright

A follow up from the Lt Col Stuart Scheller.

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The Universal Field Theory of Leftism (Reprise)

Posted August 31, 2021 By John C Wright

Here follows a reprint of a column from 2014, which I thought pertinent to the tumults preoccupying current headlines.

I here add only the comment that the remarks below pertain only to those foolishly but honestly deceived by the slogans of the masters. The elite masters of the murderous ideology regard their followers as useful idiots, much as the Morlock of A.D. 802,701 regards the hapless Eloi.

In the short time since this essay was last reprinted here, the naked wickedness of the elite of the Left, with their abundance of allies on the RINO Right, has grown more clear, and mental no-man’s-land where honest self-deception can still flourish grown narrower. 

Universal Field Theory of Leftism

Do not be deceived: Leftism is an enigma. We need a theorem that explains not one or two aspects of Leftism, but all their traits.

The theory must explain, first, the honest decency of the modern liberals combined with their astonishing indifference, nay, hostility to facts, common sense, and evidence; second, it must explain their high self-esteem (or, to be blunt, their pathological narcissism) combined not merely with an utter lack of accomplishment, but with their utter devotion to destructiveness, a yearning to ruin everything they touch; third, it must explain their sanctimoniousness combined with their applause, praise, support, and tireless efforts to spread all perversions (especially sexual), moral decay, vulgarity, and every form of desecration; fourth, their pretense of intellectual superiority combined with their notorious mental fecklessness; fifth, it must explain both their violence and their pacifism; sixth, the theory must explain why they hate the very things they should love most; seventh, the theory must explain why they are incapable of comprehending an honest disagreement or any honorable foe.

And, while we are at it, if we could also explain why the Rich, who are routinely vilified by the Left number among its most ardent supporters, or the secular Jews, our theory would be very potent in its explanatory power.

There is such an explanation. I make no claim to have discovered this theory. It was discovered by Alan Bloom, back in the 1980’s, in his book THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND, which he wrote to explain why the generation of the 1970’s was suddenly and remarkably stupider than any previous decade of his students.

The theory was popularized recently by Evan Sayet in his book KINDER GARDEN OF EDEN. Roots of this theory go back further yet: you will find an early articulation by C.S. Lewis in his seminal THE ABOLITION OF MAN, written a generation prior. And no doubt he learned his ideas from G.K. Chesterton in his ORTHODOXY, who wrote a generation prior again, and first diagnosed the error involved in Freethinkers (as they were called then) doubting one’s own ability to think.

Let us examine each one in order.

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Meme of the Day

Posted August 30, 2021 By John C Wright

On the same topic:

This does not mention the 200 million rounds of ammo.

The only remark I can make is that some ten or twenty million Biden voters, even now, are turning over in their graves.

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Battle Hymn of the Republic of Letters

Posted August 30, 2021 By John C Wright

This is from a friend of mine from school, written by one of our tutors. The in-joke here is that the stanza are chronological, according to the order the Great Books appear on our seminar list.

The Battle Hymn of the Republic of Letters

Mine mind has seen the glory of the th’Ideal of the Good,
That it’s not the same as Pleasure, I have firmly understood;
And I wouldn’t take the Tyrant’s power, even if I could;
I’m marching from the Cave.

Marching, marching toward the sunlight
Marching, marching toward the sunlight
Marching, marching toward the sunlight
I’m marching from the Cave.

The Fool conceives of God, but thinks the faithful are deceived,
Positing a “Greatest Being” whose being-ness is not believed,
Is a being that which something greater still can be conceived,
Which contradicts itself!

Ontological rebuttal,
Ontological rebuttal.
Faithlessness will ever scuttle,
Which contradicts itself.

The State of Nature’s character, we know from good report
To be very solitary, nasty, brutish, poor and short
So we give unto the Sovereign all every warship, gun and fort
For then we’ll all survive!

Ratify the Social Contract,
Ratify the Social Contract,
Ratify the Social Contract,
And then we’ll all survive!

Deterministic limits on my freedom are erased
By the transcendental ideality of time and space
So my atoms are determined, but my will’s a different case
It’s pure autonomy!

Hail the transcendental ego
Hail the transcendental ego
Hail the transcendental ego
It’s pure autonomy!

I’ve been through all the steps in my phenomenology
So it’s Master, Slave, or In-Between; it’s all the same to me:
I’m unhappy and I’m conscious, so I’m absolutely free
It’s all the Absolute!

I’ve undergone the dialectic
I’ve undergone the dialectic
I’ve undergone the dialectic
The State is Absolute!

My comment: Wise eyes recognizing the references will come to understand my contempt for the Iron Age of modern philosophy, or what passes for it, compared to the Golden Age known by the ancients. Please note the passage from the Socratic revulsion for tyranny to the mealy-mouthed Hegelian excuses for it.

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A Modern-day Cato the Younger

Posted August 29, 2021 By John C Wright

Lt. Col Scheller has since been removed from his command, which is as he expected, since this is a violation of regulation to criticize civilian superiors. He knew he would be fired. He was willing to pay that price.

He is held to account but none of the higher ups that created this catastrophe are.

Semper Fidelis, gentlemen. There yet stand some men who know what those words mean. Always faithful.

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Meme of the Day

Posted August 28, 2021 By John C Wright

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Decertification Authority of the State

Posted August 27, 2021 By John C Wright

Can a State Legislature recall the state electors?

This is from Wendy Rogers, who is the conservative Arizona State Senator spearheading the election fraud investigation of Maricopa County. Please share this around before it is censored and removed. 

The following words are hers:

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Review: Coco and Book of Life

Posted August 26, 2021 By John C Wright

A reader with the chesslike yet faithful name of Pawn4King wrote a brief comparison or review in the comments, which I thought merited emphasis. I reprint it here as a guest post. 

Note that, like all good reviewers, Pawn4King here shows compassion and insight toward the real people whom the fiction being reviewed reflect. His remarks illustrate the difference between an artist who uses a source material for some ulterior purpose, and an artist who loves his source material. 

The words below are his.

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Sources for Caesar and Jesus Compared

Posted August 25, 2021 By John C Wright

This is a column from The Gospel Coalition which I wanted to share with my readers. Please visit and support the author, Mr. Block, there.

Sources for Caesar and Jesus Compared

Examining the Manuscript Evidence

How do the roots of the Gospels compare to those of classical works? Is the historical evidence for Jesus Christ as good as that of Julius Caesar?

People often raise such historical questions critically, claiming the evidence for Caesar’s life is better attested than for Jesus’s. But is this really so?

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Judgement Eve: Verse 5 Mehujael

Posted August 25, 2021 By John C Wright

Judgement Eve Verse 5 Mehujael is now posted.

In which Idomenes comes to the splendid mountaintop city of those found worthy of life: and finds empty the golden streets.

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Guest Post by Mark Steyn

Posted August 21, 2021 By John C Wright

Rather than penning a comment myself on the end of America as a Superpower, let me defer to a wittier man, the acerbic Mark Steyn.  I make the sole comment that he is more optimistic than I, since he evidently regards the disaster as due to incompetence, not planning. I regard the matter to be treason

The words below come from Mark Steyn:

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Judgement Eve: Verse 4 Crimptyphon

Posted August 18, 2021 By John C Wright

Judgement Eve Verse 4 Crimptyphon is now posted.

In which the beautiful daughter of the evil scientist is abducted by a dark angel. Idomenes, albeit innocent of the sinful instincts of base mankind, learns the meaning of wrath.

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85 Things You Can Do

Posted August 16, 2021 By John C Wright

I have been asked to pass this article and list along, which I am glad to do.

My personal priorities are the reverse: I would have put item 85 first, as politics is downstream of culture, and item one last; but priorities can differ even when agreed on a goal. 

The original article comes from the Federalist and is by Joy Pullmann. Find it here

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Conan: Man-Eaters of Zamboula

Posted August 12, 2021 By John C Wright

Shadows of Zamboula (originally called Man-Eaters of Zamboula) was first published in Weird Tales magazine November of 1935, coming four months after Beyond the Black River. It is the sixteenth published story in the Conan canon.

Spoilers abound below.

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Judgement Eve: Verse 3 Harlequin

Posted August 11, 2021 By John C Wright

Judgement Eve Verse 3 Harlequin is now posted.

In which Idomenes discovers his lover is pregnant with a child not his own. Away in wrath he strides, seeking murder, and is aided in his hunt by one disguised as a harlequin clown.

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